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Thursday, June 03, 2004

More Girls Push Retailers to Sell Modest Clothing
This is good news. As a father of girls, I'm all for a more modest look in fashion. Our society is constantly pushing kids towards "adulthood" far too early and clothing styles are a big part of that. Kids need to be kids. I would be proud to have a daughter like Ella Gunderson, the girl in this story (although her spelling could use a little work). She complained to Nordstrom after a recent shopping trip.
"I see all of these girls who walk around with pants that show their belly button and underwear," she wrote. "Your clearks sugjest [sic] that there is only one look. If that is true, then girls are suppost to walk around half naked."
Good for you, Ella!

But it's obvious that some people still don't get it. Here's how Gigi Solif Schanen (is that a real name?), fashion editor at Seventeen magazine, sees it:
We like to call this new girl Miss Modesty. It's such a different feeling but still very pretty and feminine and sexy. It's just a little more covered up. It's kind of like a sexy take on a librarian. I think people are tired of seeing so much skin and want to leave a little more to the imagination.
Uh, hello? What are you talking about? You're completely missing the point! It's not another way to look sexy. "Sexy" is the problem. Just let them be girls. Of course, if Seventeen magazine were to see the light it would be the end of their magazine.

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